22 January 2010

lessons learned..

i know how it feels to be frustrated over something we really want to do. like Flying!! a lot of girls want this job. i was once blessed to be one. but it seemed like God has other plans for me. well yes, at first, it was hard for me to give up on my career.. this was my dream and i worked hard for it. trained in a flight attendant school and all.. to cut the story short. i got pregnant. i was a step closer to that dream..then poooof!!! it was gone like a bubble. now, im back to zero. but im still thankful, coz ive learned a lot during my pregnancy. boy, it was hard.. seeing all the ads on the internet, receiving emails about open days and hirings.. all the calls and text msgs i got.. i could not do anything but wait. there was a time that i regret what i did.. i was not careful with my actions.. i took things for granted. i was over confident. a lot of blaming issues.. this and that.. etc. i was really bitter about it.. seeing my batchmates finally flying, thinking that i was supposed to be in their place. million times, i almost lost hope, i didn't want to pursue flying anymore.. until i realized that im not the only one who experienced these.. that there are a lot of girls who failed but started over again. and never gave up.. that theres a lot of blessings that im receiving. and one of those is my litle angel. ive learned to accept that things don't always happen the way we want it. painful as it is yet we have to deal with it. challenges are given to us to test us, not ruin us. so what am i doing now? still searching for hiring airlines. passing my resumes online.. applying even on local airlines.. little by little.. starting to reach my dream and not stress out.. nothing can stop me from trying.. not even me, being a mommy.. i believe that i can. in God's perfect time.

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